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HIs Code Name is "Amadeo Effscott." The sole survivor of a mission of unspeakable Evil and secrecy. But why is he being hunted down on the streets of Paris, France? And what is so consequential about the terrifying cover-up behind the 1993 Waco-Massacre in Texas that - ever since these mysterious memoirs were leaked following the infamous FBI raid of Mar-a-lago - only he has had the courage to bring to the awareness of the unsuspecting public?

The following articles and investigative journalism on the background story of SDK and the Dorianite movement were conducted many years before the discovery of the leaked folders seized during the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago. Although posted nearly all in one day to prevent outside tampering, the reporting dates from as far back as 1997, 2001, and 2003, respectively, before the original intended publication of the coming memoirs which were first redacted and barred from release in in 2017.

In death, followers prove claim artist fulfilled ancient prophecy of bygone days

By: Admin On: September 13, 2018 In: ancient, author, Bible, Egypt, prophecy, prophet Tagged: content, pagination, templateEdit This reporting by Sirene Gates and Justine E. Knight (missing).  Jeff Nimehsaki also contributed to this story. What

Continue readingIn death, followers prove claim artist fulfilled ancient prophecy of bygone days

The manhunt continues into modern day Asia Minor

By: Admin  On: September 17, 2018  In: FBI, international, Interpol, manhunt, Media, military, military history, NSA  Tagged: fugitive, manhuntEdit This reporting by Daniel Nicolbaby. Laura McLeary also contributed to this story.    “Give to any hypothesis which is worth your while to consider just that degree of credence which the evidence

Continue readingThe manhunt continues into modern day Asia Minor

Inquiry Concerning Political Justice & the True Origins of a Revolutionary Society of Art

By: Admin  On: September 20, 2018  In: HighlightsEdit This American Renaissance Mission: “The matters of historical record discussed here in this website are published for the sake of the necessary transparency required between the law abiding citizens of America and

Continue readingInquiry Concerning Political Justice & the True Origins of a Revolutionary Society of Art

On the trail of the American Renaissance

By: Admin  On: September 22, 2018  In: Cult, Feature, milennium, politics, prophecy, prophet, United StatesEdit This October 11, 2001:  Excerpts from American Renaissance Volume 4, Recollections given in a written affidavit and taken from the journal entries and field reports of art society member, alleged assassin,

Continue readingOn the trail of the American Renaissance

What people are saying

"The newly redacted diaries of this errant warrior now at last provide the most compelling historical evidence yet of a much lesser known covert Holy war that has persistently been going on for years, if not decades, beyond the scope of public scrutiny.

- Lt. Colonel Lloyd Cutler Allenby,
Retired Director of AI Cyber Programs, Greenbelt, MD

"As many critics have pointed out, terrorism is not an enemy. It is a tactic. Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics. [In not providing for the cloak of Title 50 under the US Code (and thus) keeping U.S. Forces in peril, Congress would surely be committing the high crime of squandering the lives of soldiers and marines involved in these covert operations]..."

- W. Eldridge Odom, Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute

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