By: Admin On: September 17, 2018 In: FBI, international, Interpol, manhunt, Media, military, military history, NSA Tagged: fugitive, manhuntEdit This
reporting by Daniel Nicolbaby. Laura McLeary also contributed to this story.
“Give to any hypothesis which is worth your while to consider just that degree of credence which the evidence warrants….. Truth happens to an idea; it is made true by events.“ – Bertrand Russell, On Pragmatism and the Precept of Veracity, A History of Western Philosophy
The below excerpts were taken from journal entries and a subpoenaed letter leaked from the court papers of Nick Farraway. Addressed to National Head of Scientific research, Dr. Dirk Scudlee, at the NSA, as well as New York editor, Jarrod Maxwell Smythe, they serve as prima facia evidence of a hidden motive behind the government’s operation, also documenting the context of Mr. Farraway’s enthusiasm, after being allowed to join the international expedition of the manhunt for Amadeo Effscott. Mr. Farraway was the only civilian on a strictly paramilitary task force. Photos were taken by him en route, joining the JSOC forces on the expedition just south of Harper’s Ferry, VA on the way to Dulles, then onto Pakistan, Iraq and Tora Bora, Afghanistan. Some agency photos are included for representational purposes.
Field Report #1: by Nick Farraway, circa 12/07/2003
“We are therefore pleased to inform our committee from the Joint Chiefs, the Chairman, and the limited sector of the press cooperating with our public awareness campaign, that we are on our way! Our Federal as well as privately backed international manhunt team is being led by two quite capable men of strong Christian faith and indisputable military repute. Both of whom I’ve had the honor and pleasure of sharing their excellent company in the last two-and-a-half months.
They are Mr. Reed Lindstrome, the Executive Covert Operations Chief, as well as [Lt. Colonel William H. Bellamy], the former Marine Recon Special Forces Commander and Head of Scout Sniper Instructor School, now with the Special Activities Division [SAD] at Langley. These professionals were selected by the Joint Special Forces Operation Command [JSOC] to lead our traveling expedition team:
a) On account of the combined quantity of their in-combat enemy kills and they being some of the foremost experts in their fields for open tactical guerrilla warfare and urban concealment and capture, respectively.
b) On account of both gentlemen having actually worked closely with Agent Effscott during lethal field operations conducted after he transitioned from Operation Menace to Operations S-Crypt and Bull-Moose.
c) On account of their impeccable moral integrity that would be highly unlikely to fall victim to the seductive allure of the movement of the American Renaissance and its ideology that has lately been infiltrating a growing number of members from our armed forces, government, and private sector like a pathogenic virus.
Despite our unsuccessful attempts to confirm Mr. Effscott’s location, and the many troubling doubts raised by the evidence of his case against the government, so far, our team therefore remains in high spirits. Comfortable in the knowledge that we are being led by operations men familiar with, not only Agent Effscott’s physical covert field ops paramilitary training and tactics, but also his psychological assessment, mindset, and way of thinking.
As a psychiatrist by training, I have been both puzzled, and at times fascinated, by their almost spiritual recounting of anecdotes, sermons, and parables they have experienced in the variety of lethal operations conducted with him. We are, nonetheless, uncompromised in the endeavor to obtain the eventual capture and rendition of former Agent Amadeo Effscott, so that he may face the true scales of justice and let history be his judge.
Field Report # 5, by Nick Farraway, (date unknown)
“Setting down the facts, and only the facts, about this dreadly matter. For it to be recorded to you here – before I get some much needed sleep (after being admittedly haunted earlier when reconsidering some of the things Agent Harding was working on in her career), however: A word on our present circumstances; as I understand at least 3 of my last 4 cables, if not all 4 dispatches, were intercepted by potentially rogue communications officers at the NSA sympathetic to the growing cult and contagion of the American Renaissance. This message contains the latest encryption software developed in engineering isolation. I trust you will receive it this time.
I write to you from Anatolia (in Asia minor, modern day Turkey). Where we have come to after having left that raid of an abandoned hostel in Cyprus. Continuing on a path of strong human intelligence in regards to the purported route Mr. Effscott has mapped out for his missionary travels and escape. Since he has become well skilled in not leaving any digital trace, we have been here a full week. Searching all leads and sources capable of producing the most reliable paper trail of his whereabouts. Sometimes traveling by donkey into the remote foothills of this dust land. Where word of mouth from a flock of converts has led us to believe there was a sighting of him only in the last few months.
Indeed, we’re awaiting lab analysis of a blurry photo taken by one local tribesman. A villager who claims Mr. Effscott destroyed their camera when he was photographed passing through. At first doubting this villager’s claim, we later became convinced and lost nearly a full day’s search when forced to hear the tribal elders’ plaintive lament the American fugitive offered only a sheaf of poems and a pack of Chesterfields as a form of reparations.
There appear to be no other violent acts or incidents resulting in loss of life committed against the locals. But still confident Mr. Effscott has been here, we press on. Should we have no more luck in Anatolia, our intended plan is to return to Cyprus, then to Antioch by way of Corinth. Afterward, we may proceed to Jerusalem, Tarsus, and Phillipi. Where pockets of the population have professed some knowledge of (and ideological adherence to) the American Renaissance, if not yet having shown any outward signs of their adoption of the faith or spiritual allegiance to the cult.
And there is strong intelligence that one of these three cities is the postulated launching point from which former Agent Amadeo Effscott intends to embark on his evangelical expedition to modern day Galatia, Phrygia, and Ephesus. With the likelihood of ending up proselytizing in Macedonia, sailing to Athens, or Montenegro or possibly Rome itself. Last but not least, we cannot discount the possibility Agent Effscott may have simply boarded a charter plane in Cyprus incognito, with a direct flight to either attend a fiesta in Spain or in his old stomping grounds of Paris, France.
Government and taxpayer funds permitting, we are of course willing to bravely take our search to Madrid, Barcelona, or the French capital. If need be, there’s been talk of going all the way to Aleppo and Dabiq in modern day Syria. Despite the impending civil war on the road to Damascus, and the risk of danger in tracking him. But, here’s where my sixth sense urges extreme caution and your thoughts on practical safety vis a vis the risks/rewards of his story’s possible publication would again be most appreciated. As should our expedition, in the interests of justice, have to go there (you know, Aleppo is not Ibiza), it so happens my colleagues have increasingly promulgated the strategy of me being the one designated to travel alone – all by myself – in this eventuality. After all, I knew Mr. Effscott as well. And, without extensive friction in our professional roles, there seems to be a unanimous consensus that, whatever far reaches of the earth he might end up going to where this new movement courts the shadowy paths of Armageddon, I am still the person most likely to obtain his trust and confidence and avoid being put in harm’s way.
My established rapport with the suspect comes, not only from the happenstance of being his good neighbor for a number of years, but from our first connection when I was the designated polygrapher for his induction and later assignment debriefings at the Agency. Upon afterward entering private practice as a psychiatrist, I was also trusted enough by Mr. Effscott to become the private medical psychologist for his missing wife. And given the grave nature of the allegations being made by this former Federal agent, I admit I’m almost disconcerted to report that he was always known to me as a person of unquestionable honesty and integrity.
It’s my fervent prayer, therefore, that there’s no truth whatsoever to the apocalyptic beliefs that have been created by the latest legions of new converts to the movement of the American Renaissance in the face of sheer government denial. Although the mere premise of the ascendancy of the cult, of course, we consider an impossibility that should require no public refutation by the government. But, to his credit, it is most surprising to report Agent Effscott retains an unblemished record in passing every official lie detector test which he has been submitted to. If captured alive in mid gospel, hence it is my ultimate goal to catch him in a falsehood. Or, to somehow reach a scientific understanding as to how he’s repeatedly been able to pass all official polygraphs undetected with his bald faced prevarications about the tragedy of our true fallen Messiah who has already come.
A tragedy certainly, whoever this person was, if rumors are to be believed that it occurred by our own government’s cataclysmic blunder in a fiasco of mistaken identity. But, as to the nature of the religious crisis and unsettling truths the case of Mr. Effscott presents believers and unbelievers alike, it pertains to a pervasive sentiment of mistrust that arose after the deadly incident of Operation S-Crypt [long after Waco], for which you are aware, all details remain ultra-classified.
Yet from where there emerged for many in the intelligence community – along with this sentiment – ample rumors of a protracted Holy War being covertly waged against the innocent American public amidst eye-witness accounts of religious happenings. The Bowling Green and Nameless Massacre, in which worshippers were killed on bended knee before the holiest of apparitions. Rumors and allegations of the dead Messiah, it bears repeating, that if they were to be made public with only the slightest mere shred of truth to them in the wake of 9/11, the scale of the calamity and outrageous position it places the U.S. authorities in would be sufficient to rightly make even the bravest in our country tremble in their boots.
Nick Farraway Field Report # 7, estimated date March 2004
Dear Mr. Maxwell Smythe, copying Dr. Scudlee here……I’m glad you received my last and latest missive, and I take equal alarm of the rumors you mention are beginning to penetrate members of our law enforcement and intelligence communities. I trust your men will be able to handle appropriately. Yet, still this proud public servant feels a duty to convey here what I knew before leaving on this extended manhunt:
To give you one example of other dangerous rumors that have started to spread, consider the disappearance of Agent Jules Harding. Specifically with concern to the classified government contracts her name was attached to during the course of her life’s work. As mentioned, before and since the last DOD assignment of hers in Paris, many of Ms. Harding’s instructional films on espionage and the perils of undercover work have been widely appreciated by a diverse audience of trainees at the Academy.
Much of Agent Harding’s genre breaking filmwork [often filmed in a live, reality TV, documentary style] is housed in the FBI Library, which is notable for providing our police forces in every State with the latest law enforcement news from around the world. In addition, the library offers a variety of audiovisual materials, legal publications and online resources on how to both track and catch criminals and terrorists and how to avoid getting harmed by them. The issue of the rumors surrounds one last such assignment for the library Ms. Harding was contracted to film that many consider would have been the crowning jewel of her Academy oeuvre. It was an assignment she looked forward to with relish and one that, in her own words, as told directly to many of her colleagues, “she couldn’t miss.” Yet she disappeared in circumstances unknown shortly before the scheduled filming date. I refer, of course, to the documented siege and conflagration at Mount Carmel, in Waco, Texas.
Speculation in the Academy is that she wouldn’t have missed this filming assignment for the world. Unless, there was an even bigger revelation she was working on in her watch over terrorism containment for the Middle East. One that was most likely ultra top-secret, reaching levels in the chain of command beyond the cabinet of the President of the United States himself. An assignment opportunity that she thus considered even more important than the false prophecies that were burned at Waco. That is, in terms of its religious consequences and potential political significance to change the world. Or, of course, the rumors have alluded as well to the possibility of foul play or some kind of government cover up of even greater magnitude. Or, what was so important that would have impeded Agent Harding to miss such a once in a life time filmic opportunity? One she told everyone in her closest circle very precisely that “she couldn’t miss.”
Whatever the case, the resulting myths and legend surrounding this episode in the life and possible death of such an iconic agent has created a sinister undercurrent to the normally upbeat mood during training at the Academy. A mood that – ever since the Waco disaster and her disappearance – feeds into this growing culture of rumors rife with fear and paranoia that has been intense enough to spread a diabolical chill into New Agent Trainees (NATs) and even many veteran’s on the force.
Indeed, there has been grumbling in the ranks. Most notably since the meaning of several declassified, formerly covert operations in which Ms. Harding participated – upon examination of her filmwork and limited available documents – came to be interpreted as the bonafides confirmation and proof of the existence of a vengeful, supernatural and unidentified enemy prophet. One that our government has been engaged in a covert Holy War against for many decades long before 9/11.
With these thoughts in mind, I now leave you to consider the grave feelings that accompany us in our pursuit of Mr. Effscott. Beset by the rumors we are on the front lines of a covert Holy War against an invisible supernatural element. One whose evil and terrifying actions can only be made visible and confronted by way of capturing in video and film. Even though, it was Officer Harding’s constant emphasis on safety in her videos which makes her disappearance all the more troubling. And it begs the question of what classified information Agent Harding may have shared with Effscott that was beyond his pay grade or level of access, and which may give him an unknown advantage over we who seek to bring him to justice. As if a fugitive of the law might have access to a higher law than the law of the United States itself?
It is at this juncture where my background investigation into the case of Mr. Effscott has come to an end. And, finding myself camped out on the remote hills of south eastern Turkey – close to the Syrian border – I have had to give up on any speculation on what further information any potential meeting with Agent Harding could provide.
Despite the legacy of Officer Harding’s filmwork and her contribution to the Academy, there appears to be an unusual lack of transparency and red tape surrounding the circumstances at the end of her last assignment. There are even other wilder myths that have circled about her. That, despite her marital status, for example, she may have engaged in an affair or perhaps having secretly eloped with the now fugitive Agent Effscott.
Hence, I’m coming to the somber conclusion that it may be necessary to use the ruse of Amadeo’s missing wife as a last ditch effort to have him reveal his location. But with a long day of travels to go tomorrow, I now beg my dog-tired head to catch some sleep. As we load up our video cameras along with our weapons in place, and prepare ourselves to meet the weary fate the good Lord has in store for us all.
Nick Farraway
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