In death, followers prove claim artist fulfilled ancient prophecy of bygone days

By: Admin On: September 13, 2018 In: ancient, author, Bible, Egypt, prophecy, prophet Tagged: content, pagination, templateEdit This

reporting by Sirene Gates and Justine E. Knight (missing).  Jeff Nimehsaki also contributed to this story.

What is the American Renaissance to America?

In these times of national strife, it’s hard to justify any such thing as prophecy. For those who worry about the “End of Times,” what is there to fret?  No man is immortal they say, and perhaps it is why the Bible, in Exodus, tells us to identify with the lost and forsaken. In other passages, even to identify with our enemy, and the alien in our midst. “You shall not wrong or oppress a stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” Moses, was believed to have written. And, in all our confusion and fear – of terrorism, immigrants, and the beliefs that make up our people’s identity – what else can a witness do but turn to the record of history?  Because history always repeats itself, it was once said, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. And there is a grain of truth and freedom even in the saddest human comedy.

Yet, for those who have witnessed America to be the chosen people of such a repeat historical destiny, one might be forgiven for seeing it as a land that strives against the law of mortality.  As the country where the voices of the prophets – like refugees fleeing the kingdom of the dead – have come to be born again and fulfilled. For who was Dorian to the prophet Abraham, one might ask, when he said on that day, that “the spirit of a wandering American was my father.” Or who was Abraham Lincoln to the prophet Abraham, who over two thousand, five hundred years before the Civil War between the North and South, it was written in Genesis 12;2 that God had said to him;

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing; And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and through thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”?

The laws of earth notwithstanding, if one were even free to accept as true the old man Templeton’s story – of the existence of the secret prophecy found in Egypt, in 1963 – one must first of all caveat everything by admitting that the interpretation of prophecy is a fallible thing. In all my time in Washington and government service, never was I able to find anyone of high enough “pay grade” to corroborate the prophecy that was said to contain, in relation to a passage by Isaiah, “the calling of a ravenous bird from the east,” or the promise of a mysterious and miraculous birth in the days that we presently live.

For the historical record, however, we may draw relevant parallels from earlier spectacular archaeological discoveries – in Nag Hammadi, upper Egypt in 1945, at the end of the Second World War – the finding of the hidden [Gnostic] Gospels from within the century following Jesus’ death, 52 texts of sacred literature buried and suppressed by the Church.  Secret scriptures which include; copies of The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Phillip and The Testimony of Truth, The Reality of the Rulers and The Secret Book of John among them.

Only two years later, in 1947, a number of atomic scientists in Chicago – in response to the nuclear devastation of the Second World War bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and other auguries deemed dangerous to humanity – published what to this day is known as the Doomsday Clock; a representation of the perilous times we live in, with the hands of the hour set at seven minutes to midnight.

The Second Coming meets the End of Art History and the Writing on the Wall?

Coincidentally, you might say, that same year in 1947, there surfaced another distinct, archaeological find. The ancient apocalyptic writings and scrolls of a community of sectarian Jews, who lived in Palestine parallel and contemporary to Jesus’ time;  A vanished people’s stories, which lay buried for two thousand years in the dampness of their sacred library, in the honeycombed caves overlooking the Dead Sea. Among them; The Sabbath Sacrifice, The Apocryphal Prophecy, The New Jerusalem and the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness.

These being scriptures, at the time considered to be holy enough to be preserved for posterity, which scientists and archeologists have now long studied, for they tell stories never before known of Jesus and his time, and give a different interpretation of history.  One that has been remained quite hidden, perhaps for convenience sake. Perhaps to avoid inconvenient truths that could lead to upheaval in their revelation and prophecy of a truer way of life.. For very much like today, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the hidden [Gnostic] Gospel stories (as well as the Christian Church’s approved version of the Gospels of The New Testament), were written in the time of great cataclysm and war.

At a point nearly midway after the rise and the beginning of the fall of the Roman empire, the Gnostic Gospels (from the Greek word gnosis, i.e.
knowledge] tell, not only of the coming of a Messiah – and, in one instance, the notion that Jesus actually may have had a twin – but along with the first emergence of God as the Son of Man, of the first emergence personified in a sibling rival.

One might say it is an altogether different reading of He whom the New Testament introduces as another fallen angel, or messenger of the divine; Lucipher, the great bearer of temptation and light, who throughout and to the final end of Christian history, shall be there to question Jesus’ identity and sacrifice. To question his love in the hearts of men, to do battle with the truth of what it means to be Good or Evil, and as well as a good citizen in America.  In the same way the powers-that-be have questioned the life of Dorian, and in whose name he came to lead his people, the artists, out of the artificial reality the world had made their own private Hell.

*                      *                      *

For the inner details of the secret art society all of America, and soon the world, will be talking about – get privileged access to the incredible beginning:Here

What people are saying

"The newly redacted diaries of this errant warrior now at last provide the most compelling historical evidence yet of a much lesser known covert Holy war that has persistently been going on for years, if not decades, beyond the scope of public scrutiny.

- Lt. Colonel Lloyd Cutler Allenby,
Retired Director of AI Cyber Programs, Greenbelt, MD

"As many critics have pointed out, terrorism is not an enemy. It is a tactic. Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics. In not providing for the cloak of Title 50 under the US Code [and thus] keeping U.S. Forces in peril, Congress would surely be committing the high crime of squandering the lives of soldiers and marines involved in these covert operations."

- W. Eldridge Odom, Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute

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