By: Admin On: September 19, 2018 In: FeatureEdit This
“They who fight for the future, live in it today” proclaimed Dorian Knight, talking as if to Death personified, speaking right through me to an infinite tribe in some soon-to-be yonder posterity. As we rode out of the forest on our motorbikes traveling through the country that day, knowing the time we had left together would always be stuck in our memory”
So it is that, in the search for the missing narrator of the greatest capitalist revolution in American art, we are confronted with a challenge to the politically safe version of history. In uncovering the forgotten tragedy of the slain artist, we must cast a cold eye on conventional belief. Only in doing so – and being open to the impossible – can we ever hope to separate the thorniest of facts from the mysterious disappearance of an invisible people.
It is with this in mind that we have chosen to publish the newly released evidence with little to no external editing, as has already been traced in the previous government formatting; in the form of journalistic reports and memoirs of a once obscure, inter-agency operation now at last salvaged from the deleted asset archives of our Joint Chair’s office for National Security.
Authored by one of the U.S. government’s own, these official agency documents reveal classified information about a domestic killing the DIA has formerly kept under top secret seal for nearly twenty years. A government informant’s personal manuscript which many experts have called a hoax. But those of us who knew the artist, albeit at a distance, know all too well there is nothing in its pages which could not have happened.
That being said, we have nevertheless done our best not to give an uncritical account of this story, or full credence to the fictional elements, such as eye witness accounts of miracles. Instead, by explaining the context, we the survivors have chosen to corroborate the facts reported here merely as we experienced them. And, unless explicit contradiction is provided, we are allowing for the readers to judge any rational explanations – and what is believable or beyond the pail of belief – for themselves.
In offering to share our background knowledge of these excerpts as well as insight into the full text of the manuscript, (Volumes 1 &2) with The Cult Street Journal, we are therefore careful to stress that it is not for endorsing their literal meaning to the historical occurrences of the meta-revolution, but admitting the caveat that they require a much higher degree of interpretation.
Albeit even a partial glance at the memoirs, despite their stance of disbelief toward possibly miraculous events, may show their volatile and controversial nature: How these pages about a forsaken artist Savior are quickly coming to take the form of a historical manifesto that speaks to the heart of this revolutionary art movement – not in the least, the further light and greater amount of circumstantial evidence they shed on the tragic ending of its creator.
“And if indeed it was true – this meta revolution, I am constantly nagged by the question of why? I have felt the burden of this question and why we cannot simply leave it to the fog of history? Why must I tempt the better side of caution? Now, as I hasten to commit these words to the shamble of sheafs before me – all days of my free and easy life having since gone by – and it is presently not without a reckless sense of abandon that I venture to enter my testimony here…. For the benefit of any of my artist brothers who might dare to dig out the truth from the recent past..
“…Right now, sitting at the edge of a cold bench in my cell with the pen trembling in my hand. Though it seems quite absurd to be troubled by an artistic theory – the platitudes about the power and danger of Dorian’s new religion: The makings of an artistic revolution. “That art must be destroyed; the triumph of Anti-art assured. Lest a dead man’s art always be worth more than your own. You, the combined multitudes of starving artists toiling by the sweat of your brow today, desperate to somehow scratch out a living’..“
Echoing the former government operative and alleged author of the manuscript of the American Renaissance, Mr. Effscott, this I believe is all we remaining members of the Society owe insofar as our involvement. Only to bring to light the facts as they were known to Dorian, through the creation of a purer American art. An art gloriously purged of the past: a tabula rasa for the emergence of a New Society for The American Renaissance.
This above all is what we owe to the promise of the American dream and the legacy of Sean Dorian Knight. And so that this new rebirth of the movement and revolution in art can once again flourish, we at last must come to reconcile the unexplained party line of the naysayers with the truth of what actually happened and the greatest of possible tragedies.
Because truth is stranger than fiction, we must be willing to confront the most soul searching questions the government has so far only been willing to plausibly deny:
- How and why did the destruction of 9/11 coincide with the long term apocalyptic preparations of the United States government for what many believed to be none other than the certain fulfillment of a Messianic Second Coming at the turn of the millennium?
- How were these lethal government preparations – decades in the making – turned instead on a small band of people living as a close knit society, a fledgling community of creative artists spread across the rural Virginia countryside and unified with a pocket resistance of rebel artist cells in New York City?
- How did this yet little known artists’ economic movement, and the emerging fame of Dorian Knight – their spiritual leader at the time – mysteriously disappear without a trace from all media entries and citations from the cultural map? A phenomenon all the more strange considering that – only a few short months prior – agency records had compared them to an artistic and economic Al-Queda, identifying them to be classified as the greatest domestic threat to the United States of America.
“Some say the world will end in fire,” wrote Robert Frost, the American poet, “some in ice..” But how convenient for the most alarming intellectual threat to the stability of Capitalism itself in the history of our country to be lost. A revolution in the making to be forever silenced. In the devastating shock and death of 9/11, to be wiped from the mind in a matter of seconds, then violently suppressed into the clash of global civilizations at the turn of the millennium.
Where is he now, the founder of the revolution? Who was this Sean Dorian Knight, this so called American prophet?
Yes, devastating as it could be. Impossible. It is a truth much easier for the government to plausibly deny. But, without anyone outside of the professional intelligence circles having access to Top Secret SCI [Sensitive Compartmented Information] or having anywhere near the requisite security clearance for ultimate knowledge of his true identity, we must at least posit the hypothetical insomuch as it may be fantasy as it is fact:
Special SCI security clearance was developed and updated to a higher category for a possible “Messianic or meta revolution” after President Eisenhower’s damming critique of the Military Industrial complex.
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.” ― U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
The secret measures taken to prevent a “messianic” or “meta” revolution followed from, and were ultimately an extension of, the goal of the official U.S. Cold War containment policy at the end of World War II. Startled by the residual aura of “the potential for an impending apocalypse” of Biblical proportions to visit the earth after American atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the so called containment policy was developed by the Truman administration’s Secretary of State Dean Acheson, along with W. Averell Harriman, and US diplomat George F. Kennan against the Communist threat.
But whereas the threat of Communist governments was fought on a national scale, after the Korean War and beginning with the conflict in Vietnam, however, Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen Dulles (still to this day the longest serving Director of the CIA) developed the more laser-like focused strategy against the threat of a potential “messiah” that was fought on the basis of individual attrition.
During the Vietnam wartime years (1958 – 1975) and the escalation that ended with the infamous “Christmas Bombing,” and then long after on the domestic front, the goal of the U.S. national security apparatus was to eliminate any potential envoys and “cult personalities of peace” that may pose a threat to Western military commercial interests. War was, and still is, one of the greatest profit drivers in the American economy. Any individual with a “messiah complex” that was capable of morally questioning this was, almost always hypothetically, discussed as an individual target for elimination whether or not such plans were ever seriously carried out.
The reasons for always having a threat and and enemy to contain boiled down to, not surprisingly, that not only military arms manufacturers, but several politicians and the stock markets of several cities in the United States, the UK, and Europe benefited to the tune of the hundreds of millions of dollars a month in armament sales. Even the sums of billions of dollars a quarter is a low ball estimate of the amount of this illicit “blood sport” revenue that went into the combined coffers of the national treasuries of the US, France, and the UK.
From the bombing of Hiroshima and Nakasaki to Korea, Vietnam, the conflicts in the Middle East to Somalia, the overthrowing of democratically elected governments in Iran and Central and South America, and even from the obscure Iran-Contra affair to Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond to this very day, the cost of human lives at the hands of these Western governments alone numbers in the billions when linked to the number of artillery guns, armored tanks, missiles, jet fighters and explosive combat ordinance they are supplying and fomenting for the engagement of protracted global warfare.
With the advent of television broadcast in the 1950s as a medium becoming capable of reaching and influencing millions of the world’s population, though, the possibility for an individual “messianic threat” only became more pronounced.
Any potential social luminary calling for peace or a change to the world economic paradigm of the military industrial complex could be suspect and capable of posing drastic change to the existing world order. Especially, if the grasp of their fame and power became too politically viable or began to exceed their permitted reach: Mao Tse Tung, Ghandi, Fidel Castro, Medgar Evers, JFK, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Elvis, Lady Diana, JFK jr., Benazir Bhutto and many others were put under FBI or MI6 surveillance and investigation. Any such “Messiah of Peace” must not be allowed to survive. Although, it is reported that Fidel Castro himself survived three botched assassination attempts by the CIA.
The concept of the Biblical Messiah and a possible return in accordance with Judeo-Christian prophecy was – ever since the time of the Vietnam War and as we approached the turn of the 2nd millennium “AD” – a paranoia that weighed heavily on the intelligence chiefs at the inner sanctum of United States and UK national security. Discussed in chambers only at the SCI level of state security and above, there was even theoretical speculation that such a messiah could return in the guise of a woman.
“SCI” type of security clearance provides access to information or material that may cause exceptionally grave damage to national security if disclosed without authorization. The rules state anyone possessing such clearance must be re-investigated every five years. But, according to information revealed in these memoirs (once thought to be destroyed along with the many other written records from this era housed in the offices of the Secret Service and CIA that were destroyed in the WTC7 building fire in the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City), all government participants [i.e. career spies] knew that the goal every 5 years was to eliminate – or set in motion the plan to eliminate – any legitimate suspect who could pose a future threat to the military industrial complex.
The untimely death and, in many instances, the assassination of so many beloved world leaders and historical figures shows – if nothing else – the possible successful accomplishment of these secret goals to maintain a “killing agenda” and perpetuate the continuation of endless global warfare in keeping with US commercial policy developed for years under the sinister curtain cover of the deep state.
In other words, we must assume they very well may have succeeded in preventing any meaningful and peaceful change and ask ourselves – what if?
What if the true Messiah – or he whom the government believed to be the true Messiah – came in peace as was prophesied in Holy Scripture. Before the turn of the millennium, he came to bring – not only an economic revolution – but knowledge of the Good News to all living artists as his Chosen People – that they may gather as the genetic heirs of the creators of all religion. Can we we feel comfortably at rest knowing with full confidence that the U.S. government or military authorities would have welcomed such a transformational figure with a loving embrace?
It is of course possible! It is also possible that as the leader of the long feared meta-revolution, he was stopped – and like Satan gathered the armies of the night to surround him, he was once again sacrificed in the name of our love. But whoa to anyone who would rejoice that the apocalyptic paradigm shift of the millennium toward the Kingdom of Peace was at last averted. For where there is a Prince of Peace there is always a poet. And whereas our human weakness may be tempted toward forces of darkness and be stopped, the Word of truth has everlasting power of light over evil and cannot be stopped.
So, in keeping with his message now at last revealed in the Book of the American Renaissance all artists of the world have been called upon here to form one unified and abundant, invisible flock of creators: So that you, the silent majority of all true artists, fantastical realist artists, and born-again artists and free-thinkers fighting for the existence of all races, art religions, and nations around the world can be politically awakened to your ancient and eternal role as the true shamans of our evolving modern society.
You, who by virtue of your extraordinary God given sensibility are in contact with the source of all things from the center of your soul and are here to transmit the sacred message of the moral universe – to forge the uncreated conscience of the human race in the crevasses of your art – so that at last the true balance of the invisible spiritual world can be restored to life on earth on the day that comes for every man and woman alike of our invisible race of creators to stand up so that our true identity in the spiritual richness of the political economy of the world can be counted.
Counted in time to spread the revelation of who, as a people, you truly are – what it truly means to be an artist creator created in the image of God the creator as another creator, albeit human, before God – a human and spiritually god-like people hidden invisibly under the color of your outer skin. Whether as a living artist you are white, black, brown, or yellow or tan, the time to do battle with the ancient gods of religions past is nigh – the time for the triumph of the material over the spiritual and invisible is gone – the time for the rise of our invisible, post racial society has come:
“It is a new age after all,” Dorian said, and in keeping with Holy prophecy, “..So, it was time to create and usher in a new spiritual order, the harnessing of our imaginations to the truth of a new universal movement and understanding of reality.” Before the prophet himself was tragically undone, martyred, assassinated. The meta revolution unsung.
Yes, they say, officially, it was a case of extraordinary rendition gone wrong. The responsibility of rogue killers. But the government knew all and was lying in wait – the perfect excuse, honed with decades in preparation. They knew before anyone else – or anyone could cry abuse – that he was the One. Killed in a case of mistaken identity.
Or was it even a mistake? Was he immortal, this Son of Man? many have asked..
We remaining members of the Society of the American Renaissance do not make this claim. Nor did even the government’s primary informant and alleged co-conspirator, the former agent known by his alias “Amadeo Effscott,” make any such claim for the relationship of Dorian Knight to the divinity or any such eternal being. Only that he, Dorian, was an artist, and albeit marked for death just as those who were put to the cross were, it is our belief that in the continuation of the meta-revolution as inspired in the works of others he will always live through his art. And that it is only through the realm of artistic experience that we can perceive immortality.
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“Don’t join the book burners. Don’t think you’re going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don’t be afraid to go in your library and read every book…”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower