Coming soon in 2024:

Few had ever heard of Operation Waco-Paris before 2022. Now, for the first time since the aftermath of 9/11, the devastating global pandemic, and the FBI's seizure of top-secret government documents at Mar-a-Lago, a recently declassified memoir relating to the "President of France" finally seeks to clarify the truth behind the actions of a small cadre of clandestine operatives based in Paris at the turn of the millennium.

At once a gritty tale of espionage and a behind-the-scenes peek into the strategic containment of a fearsome religious movement on the fringes of the art world of the early 1990s, American Renaissance traces evidence of the operation's gruesome mission to the very historical roots of Modern art and the founding role played by the CIA. Perhaps, revealing the final deadly chapter of our Post Modern ending to have at last arrived: A role for art in society that appears to be far more terrifyingly aligned with the world of prophecy than any artist who envisioned the future that is to come.

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If one such as Christ had ever lived in our day, is it likely he'd be an artist? Or perhaps, as many believe, he would be returning as an avenger and justifier... Or could there actually exist true hidden but documented proof of a real plot to destroy the Second Coming of the historical Jesus? ..Mounting data and institutionally damning evidence of a lethal and decades-long government sanctioned resistance to prevent any possible triumph of a radically new socialist and messianic spiritual agenda? Part spy novel and part murder mystery critique of the Post Modern art market, this controversial testimony carries the psychological weight of harrowing human experience. Taking place simultaneously as the most infamous and historic massacre conducted by the government of the United States in Waco, Texas, these memoirs record the parallel buildup and execution of Operation Waco-Paris as a triumph of spirit looking into the cross hairs of a crisis of faith. As the last official word from the sole survivor of a true mission of unspeakable evil and secrecy, the manuscript stands as an important public record that we must stay ever vigilant of to understand the true meaning of what really happened.

American Renaissance Series
Volumes 1,2, & 3

So, we are led through the eyes of an embedded informant on the mind bending tale and cryptic path of art history, espionage, and government secrets. Only to be confronted by the prophetic ghost of an ancient ideological enemy. A target at once so confounding and seductive as to have lured even our most deadly trained warriors to their untimely grave. Yet inscribed here are the last eyewitness accounts and testament to the shapeshifting mythical embodiment of this mysterious human figure our intelligence services have pursued ever since the first Gulf War and going back to before the time of Viet Nam. Now, newly risen again in the guise of a radical painter and messenger of art history, this haunting enigma from beyond brings a vision of salvation so devastating it threatens to upend, not only the bonds of world peace as well as Wall Street, but forever change our faith in Christian civilization as we know it.

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What people are saying

"The newly redacted diaries of this errant warrior now at last provide the most compelling historical evidence yet of a much lesser known covert Holy war that has persistently been going on for years, if not decades, beyond the scope of public scrutiny.

- Lt. Colonel Lloyd Cutler Allenby,
Retired Director of AI Cyber Programs, Greenbelt, MD

"As many critics have pointed out, terrorism is not an enemy. It is a tactic. Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics. [In not providing for the cloak of Title 50 under the US Code (and thus) keeping U.S. Forces in peril, Congress would surely be committing the high crime of squandering the lives of soldiers and marines involved in these covert operations]..."

- W. Eldridge Odom, Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute

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